Forum Discussion

How to close the gap between academic training in medicinal chemistry and industrial reality?

Prof. Peter Matyus
Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary

"What can we do from the industry to reduce the gap and help academy to better prepare the students for the "real life"
Dr. Javier Fernandez
J&J Pharmaceutical Research and Development, a Division of Janssen-Cilag, Toledo, Spain

"Teaching medicinal chemistry in a university chemistry department"
Prof. Robin Ganellin
University College London, Dpt of Chemistry Christopher Ingold Laboratories, London, UK

"Extending the Interface between Acamedia and Industry in a Latin American Country: Uruguay"
Dr. Gloria Serra
Faculty of Chemistry, UDELAR, Dpt of Organic Chemistry, Montevideo, Uruguay

"Medicinal Chemists for the Indian Pharma, Biotech & Healthcare Industry: A Prognostic Snapshot of Industry Structure and Educational Needs"
Prof. Noel de Souza
University Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, Inndia

"Academic curricula; training for a job or for becoming a scientist?"
Prof. Henk Timmerman
VU University Amsterdam, Department of Pharmacochemistry, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

"What a Medicinal Chemist should know and where to learn it"
Dr. Hugo Kubinyi,
Weisenheim am Sand, Germany