How to close the gap between academic training in medicinal chemistry and industrial reality?
Moderator: Prof. Peter Matyus Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Participants: "What can we do from the industry to reduce the gap and help academy to better prepare the students for the "real life" Dr. Javier Fernandez J&J Pharmaceutical Research and Development, a Division of Janssen-Cilag, Toledo, Spain
"Teaching medicinal chemistry in a university chemistry department" Prof. Robin Ganellin University College London, Dpt of Chemistry Christopher Ingold Laboratories, London, UK
"Extending the Interface between Acamedia and Industry in a Latin American Country: Uruguay" Dr. Gloria Serra Faculty of Chemistry, UDELAR, Dpt of Organic Chemistry, Montevideo, Uruguay
"Medicinal Chemists for the Indian Pharma, Biotech & Healthcare Industry: A Prognostic Snapshot of Industry Structure and Educational Needs" Prof. Noel de Souza University Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, Inndia
"Academic curricula; training for a job or for becoming a scientist?" Prof. Henk Timmerman VU University Amsterdam, Department of Pharmacochemistry, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
"What a Medicinal Chemist should know and where to learn it" Dr. Hugo Kubinyi, Weisenheim am Sand, Germany