ASMC'13 Moscow

Posters & Communications

All participants are invited to submit abstracts of scientific communications, which will be peer reviewed by members of the International Organizing Committee. Out of the submitted abstracts, 10 Oral Communications will be selected.

Participants wishing to present an Oral Communication or a Poster should submit an abstract online via the abstract submission tool available on this website. Selected authors will be notified by the Symposium Secretariat on March 15, 2013.

Submission Guidelines

Abstracts must be submitted via the Abstract Submission tool available under the Registration menu on this website. Please note that your registration is required to submit abstracts, but payment is not mandatory at this stage. However, accepted summaries will only be published in the book of abstracts of the symposium after full payment of the registration fee.

In order to submit your abstract, select “Abstract submission” under the “Registration” menu. Log in using your registration number (received upon registration) as well as your e-mail address. Select “Abstract Submission” and “Add”.

  • Paste the title of your abstract in upper cases in the field “Subject”.
  • Select whether you agree to be selected for an oral communication (if applicable) [Save].
  • Under “Authors”, add the number of authors and click on [Add authors]. Fill in each author’s firstname and lastname and tick the main author. If no author is ticked, the submitter will automatically be selected as main author.
  • Add the author’s full address(es) under “Author’s affiliations and addresses”. If several addresses are used, please add reference numbers between brackets at the end of each author’s name to refer to the corresponding author’s affiliation.
  • Paste your abstract text in the field “Abstract content” (text only)
  • To insert a picture, place your cursor into the text where a picture should appear and click on [Insert Image tag]. You can use several images.
  • Under “Pictures”, add the number of images to be inserted and click on [Add files]. Browse your computer to attach the right images. (Please note that if the image is too large, it will be reduced to the A4 page size. If the image is smaller, it will keep its size. Please make sure the image quality is 300 dpi).
  • Under “References”, add the number of references and click on [Add references]. Fill in the number of the references and the reference texts.
  • A temporary number (TempXX) is assigned to your abstract for communication purposes. Please be aware that the definitive Poster or OC number will be communicated in your last information e-mail 1 week before the event.
  • Click on [save]
  • Click on “PDF preview” to check the result. Please note that the abstract should be one page maximum. Therefore, only the first page on the preview will be taken into account. If the preview shows more than one page, please adapt your page accordingly so that it fits into one page.
  • You can update your abstract if necessary and save or preview as many times as needed.

The pdf will be inserted in the book of abstract as shown on the preview. Please be aware that it is your responsibility to fill in all data correctly and completely. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author.


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