Drug Analysis 2014

Virtual Special Issue of Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis

Participants are invited to submit manuscripts based on Drug Analysis 2014 presentations for possible publication in Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, with the intention of including them in a Virtual Special Issue devoted to Drug Analysis 2014. All manuscripts must meet the standards of the journal: they will need to show clear analytical advances, not just “novelty” and they must match the scope of the journal.

A Virtual Special Issue implies that all papers will be handled and reviewed as regular submissions to the journal.  Accepted papers will be published individually in regular issues. A footnote will indicate at which conference the paper was presented, and this will be used for selection and linking to the Virtual Special issue. This is an entirely new concept which essentially rules out possible delays in publication for contributors to the special issue and hopefully – with the options for videos and additional (colour) photo’s which would not be included in a printed issue – will make this Conference special issue more complete and accessible than it has ever been.

- Accepted papers are published individually in regular issues as soon as they are accepted.

- Footnotes indicate at which Conference they were presented, and are the source for selection and linking to the virtual special issue

- Virtual special issue is prepared and placed on individual Journal special issue site – with links to papers on Science Direct.

- Preface and possible photo’s – with the added possibility of videos e.g. from poster sessions, available via virtual special issue. 

In order to deal with the manuscripts as fast and efficiently as possible, Participants are kindly invited to submit the articles via the journal’s online submission and reviewing system which is accessible at: http://ees.elsevier.com/jpba. Below please see instructions for submitting your manuscript(s).

To submit a paper:

- Go to: http://ees.elsevier.com/jpba

- Click on the “Submit Paper” option from the top menu

- Enter your user name and password (first time users will have to register)

- After entering the title of your manuscript, please select Drug Analysis 2014 as the ‘Article Type’

- Follow the remaining step-by-step instructions to submit your paper

- Deadline for submission is October 13, 2014

When preparing your manuscript(s), please carefully follow the journal’s Guide to Authors, which you can find on the online submission site. In your cover letter please mention that your manuscript is intended for Drug Analysis 2014 special issue. All manuscripts will be subjected to the mandatory selection process for this journal, including the strict peer review procedure; therefore acceptance for presentation at the meeting is not a guarantee for publication in the journal.

Organised by

Belgian Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Belgian Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Supported by

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Workshop Sponsor

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