SPICA 2016

Media Partner:

Journal of Chromatography A
Virtual Special Issue

A Virtual Special Issue (VSI) of the Journal of Chromatography A will be dedicated to SPICA 2016.

Participants are invited to submit manuscripts based on their SPICA 2016 presentations (both oral and poster) for possible publication in the VSI of the Journal of Chromatography A.

All submitted manuscripts will go through the normal peer view process as per the individual journal policies, and should they be accepted, will be published as soon as possible within regular journal volumes viewable and citable on our ScienceDirect platform. A footnote will be included in each published manuscript to indicate to the reader the conference at which they were presented.

Simultaneously, accepted papers will be added to the online Virtual Special Issue on Science Direct, which is gradually built up as individual articles are published; the grouped articles will retain their original citation details. A preface containing conference materials emanating from the conference, such as the conference banner, photos and relevant award information will also be added to the finally published issue.

It is recommended that authors read carefully the aims and scope of the journal before deciding to submit their paper.

Full-manuscript submission instructions:

  • Submission links: Journal of Chromatography A: http://ees.elsevier.com/chroma/
  • Click on the “Submit Paper” option from the top menu;
  • Enter your user name and password (first time users will have to register);
  • After entering the title of your manuscript, please select article type “VSI: SPICA 2016”;
  • Follow the remaining step-by-step instructions to submit your paper.
  • Submission deadline: March 20, 2017.

When preparing your manuscript(s), please carefully follow the Guide to Authors of the journal, which you can find on the online submission site. In the cover letter please mention that your manuscript is intended for the SPICA 2016 Virtual Special Issue.

All manuscripts will be subjected to the mandatory selection process for the journal, including the strict peer review procedure; therefore acceptance for presentation at the meeting is not a guarantee for publication in the journal.

We thank you in advance for your contribution!
Elsevier Team

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