MedChem 2006 - Personalized Medicine: New Opportunities for Drug Discovery
Annual One-Day Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry of SRC & KVCV
Antwerp, Belgium - November 10, 2006

Anyone working in healthcare or drug discovery has undoubtedly heard about personalized medicine. Its most common definition is “the right drug for the right patient in the right dose.” This refers to a future day when all healthcare decisions will be based on each person’s genetic profile. For sure, this will have implications for medicinal chemistry and drug discovery: How to choose targets and design drugs for a population of patients with a specific genetic profile?

This one day symposium of six plenary lectures, oral communications and a poster session will cover various aspects of personalized medicine.

Brochure of the Symposium (06/10/2006 - 2725 KB)

With the support of

Deadline for early registration and poster submission has been extended to Monday October 16, 2006.